編號 |
類別 |
中文 |
英文 |
641 |
林學詞彙 |
育林 |
stand tending |
642 |
林學詞彙 |
林分 |
stand; forest stand |
643 |
林地區劃 |
小班 |
stand; sub-compartment |
644 |
育樂場域設施 |
站務人員 |
Station Staff |
645 |
牌誌說明禁止事項 |
候車時請勿超越白線 |
Stay Behind the White Line |
646 |
牌誌說明 |
順著步道前行,避免破壞污染溪床、溼地與地形脆弱的環境。 |
Stay on the trail. Do not damage or pollute streambeds, wetlands, or fragile terrain. |
647 |
育樂場域設施 |
蒸氣集材機 |
Steam Yarder |
648 |
牌誌說明禁止事項 |
峭壁陡坡 禁止攀爬 |
Steep Cliff. No Climbing |
649 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
下坡急斜 小心通行 |
Steep Downslope. Proceed with Care. |
650 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
坡度陡峭小心路滑 |
Steep Slope with Slippery Surface |
651 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
陡坡危險 小心通行 |
Steep Slope! Proceed with Care |
652 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
階梯青苔濕滑 注意腳步 |
Steps Mossy and Slippery. Watch Your Step. |
653 |
育樂場域設施 |
停靠站 |
Stop |
654 |
育樂場域設施 |
販賣部 |
Store |
655 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
溪流湍急危險,請勿進入 |
Stream Dangerously Swift and Deep. Keep Away |
656 |
林學詞彙 |
帶狀伐採作業 |
strip cutting system; strip felling system |
657 |
林學詞彙 |
帶狀伐採 |
strip felling; strip cutting |
658 |
林學詞彙 |
主林木 |
superior stand; principal crop; dominant portion of forest |
659 |
綜合業務 |
永續發展目標 |
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) |
660 |
重大政策 |
森林永續經營及產業振興計畫 |
Sustainable Forest Management and Industrial Revitalization Plan |